I AM BATTLE READY…Meet Francine Lewis


Francine Lewis is an anointed teacher, a watchman and intercessor with a heart to fulfill God’s will on this earth. She desires truth and to get to the root of the problem. Francine remembers the internal pain and continuous struggle that comes from not knowing who you are. You take on an image and identity not your own. It causes you to live under and forfeit your inheritance as a believer in Jesus Christ.

Francine believes if we lay the foundation of God’s truth early in the life of a young person-train them up in the way they should go, when they are old they will not depart from it. Francine believes she has been given an assignment to train and equip young people to be “Battle Ready”.

One of the first messages she spoke was to an auditorium full of young people entitled “Your Identity is in Christ”. Francine believes God has called us to live in freedom. Until we are operating according to our true identity we are not free. True freedom comes from knowing who you are and who you belong to.

She and her husband Chad has been married for over 19 years and are the founders of Battle Ready Warriors International-a ministry called to equip young people as Warriors for Christ. Francine’s heart is to see individuals walking in their true identity in Christ. She believes that we are all made in the image of God and the goal is to operate and function in the image of God; nothing missing nothing broken and fully restored.

Francine reside in Maryland with her husband and two children.

What God Wants You To Know: Restoring Foundational Truths To The Joshua Generation- Written by Francine Lewis

Does absolute truth exist? Do you ever wonder what truth really is, especially when everyone around you seems to have their own opinion of truth? GOD desires that we know, walk in and love His absolute truth. JESUS said that it is GOD’s truth that sets us free. You can discover what GOD Wants you to know about His truth. He desires that we gain a full understanding of His will for our lives.

In this book, Author Francine Lewis reveals biblical truths such as:
-The existence and nature of God
-Your true Identity and privileges as a son/daughter of God
-The purpose of your gifts and talents
-How to live a Spirit-filled life
-The importance of developing a Christ-like Character
-Knowing how to recognize satan’s schemes
-And much more!

Francine is available for speaking engagements. if you would like more information, please fill out the contact form below.

Battle Ready Warriors International is a 501(C)3 organization. All donations go directly to fund our efforts.