Heavenly Father, I acknowledge You today as the “Great I AM”. You alone deserve all our praise. I bless Your wonderful name. You remind us that Your mercies are renewed every morning and great is Your faithfulness towards us. Father, I lift up every Young Person to You. You alone know every struggle, concern, and need. You alone are our Jehovah Jireh our Provider. You promised to supply every need according to Your riches in glory. (Phil 4:19). You never meant for us to meet our own needs and cares outside of You. In the name of Jesus, I cast out the spirit of bondage and addiction through different drugs, substances and sexual immorality. Every seducing spirit I command you to go and loose every Young Person those I know and those I don’t know in the mighty name of Jesus. Father, send spirit filled laborers into the lives of Young People who can speak Your anointed words and break yokes in Jesus name. I declare Young People are teachable and yield to Godly counsel led by the Spirit of God. Father, open their ears so they can hear and their eyes so they can see. You alone are able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all we ask or think. Father, do it for Your glory in Jesus name I pray, Amen #BattleReadyWarriors #IAmBattleReady #truth #Godsuppliesmyneeds #JehovahJireh