Birthday Love

I want to take a moment to thank you all for the love and acknowledgements of my birthday. A very special shout out to Pastor David Walker, Michelle Russell, Mary Crawely and Mary Edwards for their generosity to Battle Ready Warriors International. Pastor David and Michelle you both have been faithful in your support to include finances over the last several years and I’m so grateful and thankful for you both helping me to keep the vision alive.

My birthday was amazing. It started with me spending time in the presence of the Lord. I then saw my hubby off to work and I headed to get my first 90 massage ever. I didn’t know that my 90 minute massage would actually be a 90 minute assignment from the Lord. God knew and He sent me as a gift from Him! I know I know it’s your birthday, you should have been relaxing. Exactly what I thought at first until I was reminded I have been sent to minister in the marketplace. I have been bought with a price, the precious blood of Jesus. My life is no longer my own. I offer my body as a living sacrifce, holy and acceptable unto God which is my reasonable act of worship. And so, I gave up my will and reason for going and accepted God’s assignment. He opened up a wonderful opportunity to pray for this person and her family. To give her hope and offer her a solution that can only be found in Jesus, the Christ, the anointed one. Now, God has an opportunity to work in her life and show up and show out like He loves to do. Glory!!

I then headed to Mission Barbecue. I literally had 10 minutes when I arrived. There was one parking space right in front. I ran into the store, the line was to the door. I said to the Lord “I have ten minutes Lord before they will stop everything for the noon salute, and I got to get to my hair appointment”. How about I was through the line, served quickly and out the door at 11:58! WOW! I love how God shows you what He can do.

I arrived at my beautician and I decided, since it’s a new season, it calls for a new style. Yes I got about 4 inches cut off! Of course my beautician was in heaven cause she loves to cut.

Came home to dinner with the family. I finally got to use a gift certificate I received from my birthday last year. My children blessed me with birthday cards that brought me to tears. My daughter made her own card and my son bought his but before I could finish reading them, I was in tears. Proverbs 31 says “her children rise up and call her blessed”. They both blessed me yesterday like never before with their words and I’m overjoyed. My heavenly Father reminding me “its gonna be alright”.

My heavenly Father blessed me with His presence yesterday like I haven’t felt since the beginning of my walk with Him. He encouraged me and let me know “It’s a New Season”. I am entering into my Promised Land, I’m Crossing Over. Things have changed, the old has passed away and the new has come. I want to encourage you all WE ARE CROSSING OVER!

I plan to share this powerful word God has given me in the next few days via fb live. This word is not just for me but for many of God’s people. Please tune in you will be blessed. Battle Ready Warriors International is moving forward and I AM BATTLE READY. God bless you all again and thank you for your support.